

Procurement of reagents for enzyme immunoassay detection of HBsAG.

CREATIVITY AGAINST CANCER! Treatment for cancer is a long and complicated process. Punctures, daily IVs, and chemotherapy are common procedures for children with cancer. Transfusion of donor blood is the most common procedure, which improves the results and the overall well-being of the child. Donor blood is tested for the absence of HIV…

Additions to our box of courage for kids

HEROES ARE NOT BORN, THEY BECOME HEROES! Once in an oncology ward, every child experiences fear... It becomes incomprehensible why their mother cries, and why grown-up uncles and aunts in white coats hurt them, saying they want to help... Why you can't run or jump, why your favorite candy no longer appears on the table, and why you have to…

Helping a group of disabled people at the Republican Specialized Children's Home in Donetsk. Donetsk

Helping a group of disabled people at the Republican Specialized Children's Home in Donetsk. We have been providing systematic assistance to this group for a long time. Children in this group are special - with various diseases and pathologies. More than others they need not only expensive and vitally necessary medicines, but also care means.…

Sasha Valuyev birthday boy

How unfair and tragic it is that children get sick... Our little hero, Sasha Valuyev, has been fighting for his life for six months... In an instant the doctors gave the little boy a terrible diagnosis and Cancer broke into the family's life... With all its cruel and painful trials. In one day, the 6-year-old toddler became a brave…

Help for Sonya Voloshina

You can't even imagine how much effort was made and how many people came together so that Sonya Voloshina could get this life-saving medicine on time. For Sonya, regular injections of the antitumor drug Vinorelbine are not just a necessity. It's life saving (literally). This always smiling and kind girl has Ewing's sarcoma. This…

 News from Katya Gribova 

Katyusha's mom is writing: I cannot calmly talk about the nightmare in which our family has been living for 3 months. One night my daughter complained of pain in her tummy. Poisoning - I thought. Neuroblastoma - doctors concluded. It's a terrible and incomprehensible word, I've never heard of such a disease before. When the doctors…

Friendship Day in the Department of Oncohematology

On June 9 the whole world celebrates a wonderful and kind holiday - International Friendship Day! On this day children from all over the world prepare memorable gifts for each other and have fun in the circle of their friends! Of course, in the lives of our charges children there is also room for friendship, which often begins in the hospital…

 News about Sasha Valuyev 

Mom writes: Christ is Risen ! Our family congratulates all Orthodox people with the glorious feast of Easter! On Easter Sunday I prayed and asked God for a speedy recovery for my son Sasha. My little bunny is only 6 years old... and he has Cancer... Cancer, which torments my baby day after day, causing him unbearable pain and suffering ... Every…

We believe that Mashenka will beat cancer! And she will say goodbye to pain and fear forever...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MASHENKA!!! On a warm April day Mashenka Rusanova celebrated her 16th birthday. Unfortunately, her birthday had to be celebrated in the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology of Institute of Oncohematology named after Gusak, where the girl is fighting the terrible disease - Cancer. Hodgkin's lymphoma is Masha's main enemy,…

News from Sonya Aksenova

For three months now, Sonya and I have been living in the oncohematology department. And every day my baby doll asks me the same question - Mom, won't they hurt me today? You have no idea what it is like to look into your child's eyes and try to evade the answer...This is how to tell your darling little girl that it is going to hurt for a…

We paid for the histological study at the Dmitri Rogachev Scientific and Research Center of the DGOI.

Lyosha is only three years old. He loves bright cars and colored pencils, blue clothes and coloring books with puppies. The little boy dreams of an endless supply of chocolates and a trip to the sea. He also really wants to never be hurt again. Lyosha has cancer. Next to the children's toys in his room there are medications and leaves with…

Holiday for the birthday kids from Donetsk boarding school № 1

At the beginning of March, our team congratulated the kids from Donetsk boarding school #1. Within the framework of our kindest project "Birthdays in orphanages", the orphans, by tradition, visited the hospitable Restaurant "Pyatnitsa". Which held a lively entertainment program! The guys got an incredible luggage of knowledge…

News by Radomir Bash

Mom Victoria is writing: Today is exactly 1.5 months since we are in the oncohematology department... Our tragic little anniversary of the fight with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. On Monday we were supposed to start the second protocol of treatment, but our little girl's body was not ready for another high dose chemotherapy. Her temperature…

What if our Foundation didn't exist?

What if our Foundation didn't exist? A few days ago a flashmob was launched in Russia called #eslenebudetfonds. Even if it sounds pathetic and presumptuous... But with this, the charities want to show everyone how important their existence is to those who need help. All over the world there is panic, epidemic and crisis. Our foundation has…

News from Lenya Shkurko 

Когда в семье появляется малыш - это всегда счастье... Как же радостно выбирать ребеночку имя, покупать милые костюмчики и слышать первые слова... К сожалению, у мам онкобольных детей счастье…

The whole world is screaming about the danger. But we, in the DNR, have our own terrible statistics, which the world is silent about...

The DNR has confirmed the first Covid-19 infection. Panic and horror is sure to intensify now.World statistics give terrible numbers.The number of deaths is increasing. The whole world is screaming about the danger. In 10 days in Donetsk three of our children died of cancer. Thousands more children died of shelling during the five years of war in…

Our talented artist continues to delight us with her creations

These pictures were painted by Lera Keptar. Imagine, a girl who defeated a monster, retained in her soul a reverent love for beauty. Lera defeated Hodgkin's Lymphoma by herself. Her parents were replaced by her older brother, and now she dreams of becoming an artist. She has given her pictures to our charity store and she wants very much that…

Yegor Boyko News

But even Yegor used to wait for his mother and believe that she would come and take him away from the orphanage. Fate decided otherwise - the boy was left alone. He could have been his mother's joy and his father's pride. But the closest people in the world betrayed him. After the orphanage there was a pre-school children's home, then…

News from Sonya Aksenova

Mommy, I'm so tired of being sick... Why is God doing this to me?! Every day this phrase is heard by the mother of Sonyechka Aksenova, a little 7-year-old girl whose cancer broke into her life on New Year's Eve... And instead of a New Year's miracle, the child faced painful procedures, the loss of her beautiful hair and cancer, filled…

Friends, share with you a piece of our spring mood

Unfortunately, many of our children watch this beautiful time of year from the windows of their hospital rooms...It's very sad that treatment takes away even these little joys of life, and our task is not only to help the children escape from the constant negativity, but also to diversify their lives within the walls of the ward. Inspired by…

Celebrating Dasha Chernysheva's Birthday

ДАШУНЯ, С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ! Yesterday we had a birthday party for an amazingly beautiful girl, Dashenka Chernysheva. The girl is struggling with cancer. And the walls of the children's department of oncohematology of INVH named after Gusak have become a second home for Dasha. Despite all the cruelty of the disease, Darja has…

Volunteers of our team regularly hold entertaining classes for orphans

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT SPRING Lurking between winter and summer are the most beautiful 92 days of the year. Three months that help you believe in the magic of life and give you faith in the future. Meet spring with our dear children... From Children's social shelter of Proletarian district of Donetsk and Donetsk boarding school № 1. Smile at…

Happy Birthday, our favorite kids!

Yesterday was a particularly joyful day at our Foundation, as two of our children, Sonyechka Viynik and Lyonyechka Shkurko, celebrated their birthdays. It is hard to imagine how much pain and hardship our children go through each day. Happy childhood was ruthlessly stolen from them by Cancer... Our kids believe in the best, they want to live…

Children are dying in oncology departments

Children are dying in oncology departments. I learned this terrible fact six months after I started volunteering. It was a girl named Olya with Down syndrome. She died of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I still remember the shock I felt. How could it be, after all the treatment had yielded results and suddenly everything was so ... My second loss…


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