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Happy Birthday, our favorite kids!1622889412

Yesterday was a particularly joyful day at our Foundation, as two of our children, Sonyechka Viynik and Lyonyechka Shkurko, celebrated their birthdays. It is hard to imagine how much pain and hardship our children go through each day. Happy childhood was ruthlessly stolen from them by Cancer... Our kids believe in the best, they want to live without pain and fear ... And we are keeping our fingers crossed for them!
Despite the fact that we have to celebrate the holiday in the hospital, our guys are smiling all the morning and light-heartedly waiting for a miracle! Our team tried to give the little birthday kids warm smiles and a pinch of magic and miracles!

Lyonochka and Sonyechka, bunnies, happy birthday! We sincerely wish you to beat cancer soon! Be healthy and happy! May your lives always be filled with goodness, fun adventures and light! May all your dreams come true, and your guardian angel protect you from all bad things!
Happy Birthday! We love you!

День рождения Соня ВийникДень рождения Леня Шкурко

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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