
Празднуем День Рождение Дашеньки Чернышевой

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Celebrating Dasha Chernysheva's Birthday1622889470


Yesterday we had a birthday party for an amazingly beautiful girl, Dashenka Chernysheva. The girl is struggling with cancer. And the walls of the children's department of oncohematology of INVH named after Gusak have become a second home for Dasha. Despite all the cruelty of the disease, Darja has retained her tenderness and responsiveness. To her, as to the big sister, absolutely all kids in department are stretched. Of course, we couldn't miss Darja's celebration, so we came to congratulate her in the ward!
We brought gifts, delicious cupcakes and a lot of surprises for Darja.

Darashinka, happy birthday! We wish you happiness! Let all your dreams come true! May beauty, goodness and joy always reign in your life! Peace and light, harmony and smiles!
Happy Birthday! Love you, our amazing beauty!

День рождения Даши ЧернышевойДень рождения Даши ЧернышевойДень рождения Даши Чернышевой

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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