Over the past month, with the help of Yves Vanroy, dozens of seriously ill children received emergency care: - After long negotiations, agreed and paid a set of examinations and treatment in the clinic named after Raisa Gorbacheva in St. Petersburg. After long negotiations, a set of tests and treatments has been agreed and paid for at the Raisa…
We can't hide it from you anymore. We don't help the kids, the kids help us!
Or rather, it's a two-way process! We'll explain in a moment.
We come to the children's cancer ward to conduct a class. We announce the theme of the day, lay out art supplies, and immerse ourselves in creativity, both children and volunteers!
And in the process of this magical creative activity, which does not take place in silence, but in fun (sometimes serious) communication, sometimes with musical accompaniment for inspiration, we, adults and important volunteers, notice that the colors in our lives increase and our mood improves (although before that it seemed that there was nothing either). At the same time, you can see on the children's faces that they are in solidarity with us.
That is, the children and I help each other exactly in what we need at that moment: a mood, a tender look, a kind word, or a wise silence, while creating masterpieces and discovering our talents.
That's exactly what our creative interaction was yesterday. Smile Day was on the agenda, which is celebrated on the first Friday in October and we almost missed it.
Но вчерашнее занятие немного отличалось от других, к нам присоединились больничные клоуны, которые взяли на себя самых маленьких подопечных и тех, кто на подключке. В общем наша встреча была необычной, но одно оставалось неизменным, мы с детьми помогали друг другу.
We told you all this so that you wouldn't think that volunteering is a thankless activity. You just need to come to our children's ward once and start creating together. And then you will understand everything on your own.