Yesterday was a particularly joyful day at our Foundation, as two of our children, Sonyechka Viynik and Lyonyechka Shkurko, celebrated their birthdays. It is hard to imagine how much pain and hardship our children go through each day. Happy childhood was ruthlessly stolen from them by Cancer... Our kids believe in the best, they want to live…
Bright rays of sunshine on a rainy, windy day? Impossible, you might say! But even such miracles can be done by our team!
For the kids from Donetsk orphanage every celebration is special and unique, since it's not just a fun little adventure, but also another great way to see the big world.
Dinner in a huge restaurant, hugs, laughter and revived heroes of fairy tales - that's what brought the orphans a lot of unforgettable impressions!
There are no words to describe the emotions of the kids! Their shining eyes, smiles and good-natured laughter were our greatest reward! We are happy that we can give orphans not only positive emotions, but also our love and attention! It's especially important for us to give the children warm memories of childhood, which they will carry through their lives!
Vadimchik and Diana, our birthday children, once again from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you with the most important holidays of the year! Let there be a lot of positive emotions and bright impressions in your lives! Let all your dreams come true!
Be healthy and happy! We love you!
We express sincere gratitude to the management of restaurant Pyatnitsa and personally trustee of the foundation Alexander Shekaev for his initiative and holiday for kids! Children's smiles, their laughter and shining eyes are your merit!