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The doctors could not save Sasha's eye.1626344972

Rhabdomyosarcoma did not spare Sasha Kasyanova's eye. It was removed completely, together with the eyelid.
Sasha's struggle began two years ago. How happy we were when the treatment ended in victory and remission! One year later the cancer returned. And it attacked with twice as much force. It was infinitely painful to watch how quickly the tumor was growing and how Sasha was suffering. Even the chemotherapy, which was started immediately, had no effect. The boy was urgently admitted to the Blokhin clinic in Moscow. Blokhin clinic in Moscow. The doctors could not save her eye. But they managed to save her life. Sasha already understands everything. With a sad smile she says she looks like a pirate. After treatment Sasha is eager to return to her hometown of Slavyansk, to her father and little brother.
Yes. Cancer cripples and fates. Sasha already understands everything. She understands that her life will never be the same. We hope Sasha's story will have a happy ending. We hope the girl will come home healthy. Even if it costs her so much.
You can help Sashenka at

Created: 15.07.2021
Updated: 15.07.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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