
Истории наших деток после усыновления

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Stories of our children after adoption1622888882

Wizards, we are so happy to share with you the good news from our children's lives. Our beloved Davidik found a family almost a year ago...We have been dreaming and preparing for this long-awaited event for so long.The boy has found a real, loving, strong family. There is an atmosphere of kindness and happiness, warmth and love. Every day the baby has new hobbies and interests.

Our blue-eyed cheek just loves to eat tasty food, so his favorite thing to do is to help mommy with cooking masterpieces... Davidik not only loves to cook, but also independently decorates finished dishes!
David likes to sing and listen to music, dance and have fun.

But the most important thing is that David has a best friend - an older brother, with whom Davidishka plays, communicates and learns about the world around him. The older brother always comes to the aid of the younger one, because together they are not afraid of any difficulties! Davidik loves his little brother so much that he does not want to leave him even for a minute, the kids even sleep together.

Yesterday Davidik celebrated his biggest holiday of the year - 5th Birthday. But it was a special magical day - for the first time in his life Davydydochka celebrated it with his family... together with his loving parents and brother...
We heartily wish David good health and happiness! Grow up little boy, make your mom and daddy happy! May all your dreams come true, and may magical wonders fill your whole life!


История жизни после усыновленияИстория жизни после усыновленияИстория жизни после усыновления

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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