
Помощь для Сонечки Волошиной

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Help for Sonya Voloshina1622890037

You can't even imagine how much effort was made and how many people came together so that Sonya Voloshina could get this life-saving medicine on time.

For Sonya, regular injections of the antitumor drug Vinorelbine are not just a necessity. It's life saving (literally). This always smiling and kind girl has Ewing's sarcoma. This little girl is fighting for her healthy childhood for three years already. And we help her in every way we can! And together with us and our army of wizards - thank you so much for help with payment and super fast logistics organization Peter-Moscow. Our Nathalie (we write "our" because this fragile girl regularly does a great job to save the lives of our small cancer patients), thank you for your lightning quick response, urgent search for helpers and urgent overnight shipment of necessary medicine from Moscow to Rostov and then to Taganrog.

Our volunteer Tanyusha, we hug you for the sleepless night for sending medicine from Taganrog to Donetsk! And also we thank responsive young people who without the slightest hesitation agreed to transport medicine for a critically ill child. Together you have not just connected the chain of goodness! You have performed an ordinary little miracle!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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