
"Голубь Надежды"

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On June 1, 2016 our team held the Dove of Hope Charity Event

in support of children with cancer in the Republic.

The program was rich !
The musical group VOCAL BAND "Re-Mi" performed with a quivering and soulful dance "Dove of Hope".

Cheerful professional animators from "Corporation of Childhood" gave everyone, without exception, a positive mood.
And of course the highlight of our event was the Charity fair and presentation of handmade creations of sick children and their mothers right in the cancer center.During the breaks between drops of fluids the kids with volunteers and parents with excitement were preparing for the holiday and painted even the bottles of saline and glucose.

There was excitement, turmoil, force majeure, sweet and heartwarming meetings, and touching moments at ......

In the center of attention were, of course, those for which we organized our action - kids from the department of oncohematology INVH them.Gusak Donetsk. Some of them could visit the fair, and the kids who continue treatment at home, were able to participate in a festive program - have fun with funny Smurfs, watching a concert and ride rides, tickets to which the administration of the park as a gift to our children. Also children who continue treatment at home, can enjoy the rides on other days - two entertainment for children centers "Akuna Mata" and "Netlandia" gave the kids free passes to visit the rides.

The culmination of our celebration was a ceremonial flash mob and the launching of balloons with doves, which symbolized hope.....Hope for recovery.....that these kids are waiting for.
Many of our friends and colleagues came to support the children. The purpose of this event was to inform all the people without exception about the struggle for life that these children are leading, the struggle in which we, as adults, simply must help them to win.
The purpose of this event was to inform all the people without exception about the struggle for life that these children are leading, the struggle in which we, as adults, simply must help them to win.

Created: 01.06.2021
Updated: 01.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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