Yay! And I'm going home today! - Sonyechka Aksyonova's happy voice filled the whole corridor space... This is how children who have been treated for a long time for a disease that is gnawing into their bodies and destroying lives rejoice... Sonya is only 8 years old, a year of which the girl has been battling cancer. A year ago, from her…
Sophia Dosyakovskaya, 6, spent almost a year in the walls of the Donetsk oncology department. The girl was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. At another visit to the doctor, the family could not imagine that a simple, as it seemed at the time, fatigue and pain in the body would turn out to be cancer. So the 5-year-old girl ended up in the oncology ward among the gray rooms and the smell of medicine. The first shock of the bad news was replaced by a fighting spirit.
Her family took the treatment with full responsibility and was sure that the terrible diagnosis was only temporary difficulties that their little daughter would cope with. Sonichka spent the new year and her sixth birthday in the oncology ward among small friends of a common great misfortune. An important factor in her treatment success was the positive attitude of Sonya. Sonya had a smile on her face under absolutely all circumstances. Even the pain of the daily procedures did not break Sofia and her sincere childlike desire to LIVE!
Выписка Сони - это победа... Победа, которая далась непростой ценой. Основное лечение завершено. Конечно же, впереди еще длительный путь к полнейшему выздоровлению - поддерживающая терапия и реабилитационный период. Но мы верим, что с Божьей помощью и этот этап Сонечка преодолеет!
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От лица команды нашего Фонда мы поздравляем семью Софии с этим знаменательным событием и желаем Соне скорейшего полного исцеления от рака!