
Мамины новости. Лёша Алексашенко от 10.08.2020

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Mom's news. Lyosha Alexashenko1622890840

Mom Elena writes:

On Friday we were disconnected from the round-the-clock administration of chemo. All blood counts are down again, white blood cells and platelets are practically zero, the temperature is not dropping. We have been on antibiotics for two days already. My son is very weak. I thought I could get used to my son's reaction to chemo after eight blocks, but it still makes me sick when I look at him curled up in a ball in his bed... My little kitten. It is so sad without his smile! It just breaks my heart to see him like that... My poor little baby, how can I help you with all this pain and anguish?!

I wake up every day wondering if we will be able to get all the money we need to continue this treatment. And every time I read the words of support and see how many people are responding to our grief, I am convinced - we are not alone! Please pass on my sincerest motherly thanks and deepest thanks to everyone who keeps me going... I have only one request... Please, don't leave us, we can't do it without you!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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