
Помощь для Лерочки Кептанарь

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Help for Lera Keptar1622888095

Помощь для Леры Кептанарь

Immunohistochemical studies are one of the most important steps in making a diagnosis when a serious blood disorder is suspected. Unfortunately, such studies are not carried out in the DNR and we provide assistance in paying for such studies for patients of the Department of Oncohematology of the Institute of Hematology named after Gusak in Donetsk on a permanent basis.

Often parents face not only moral but also financial difficulties. Valeriya's case is a little bit more complicated - she is an orphan and is being educated by her grandmother, who has a tiny pension which is barely enough for one of the investigations required for her. In the department the girl was admitted with a suspicion of Lymphogranulematosis (Hodgkin's Lymphoma).

We have paid for a number of studies and chemotherapy for Lera and we have bought the chemicals needed for her treatment.The girl is being treated at the Institute of Pediatric Oncohematology named after Gusak in Donetsk.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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