Our little heroes, after a long and painful basic treatment, want real fun and a holiday of childhood. On December 26, 2017, at the Antoshka and Cat play center in Donetsk, we prepared and held a fun, exciting, and fabulous holiday for children who continue treatment at home and are in the final stages of full recovery. Santa Claus and the Snow…
We always write about courageous mothers who go through all the trials in oncology departments with their children. And we completely forget about the dads, who also take on all the troubles, suffering and grief of their babies.
Sashenka Sverchkova's daddy has been by his son's side almost from the very beginning of treatment. By virtue of certain circumstances (Sasha's mother is a military man and cannot be with him all the time) his father was with his gravely ill son 24 hours a day. It was his daddy who was on duty at his son's bedside when Sasha was critically ill, who was carrying him in his arms when his feet got complicated during treatment and he could not walk at all. Exactly Dad was comforting Sasha during the whole period of treatment during punctures and injections, and he read bedtime stories, cooked and washed clothes for his little son.
There is only one word to describe such dads - HERO! These dads are not just role models for us, they are models of honorable men, and Sashenka will definitely grow up to be. By the way, we caught daddy with Sasha before our first little weekend trip home. And that means one thing - Sascha is on her way to recovery! On behalf of Sasha's mom and dad, from us again we would like to thank everyone who was involved in gathering the money for treatment and giving our baby the chance for a healthy childhood!
Congratulations to all the dads on this past holiday