
Волонтеры нашей команды регулярно проводят занимательные занятия для деток сирот

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Volunteers of our team regularly hold entertaining classes for orphans1622889434


Lurking between winter and summer are the most beautiful 92 days of the year. Three months that help you believe in the magic of life and give you faith in the future. Meet spring with our dear children...
From Children's social shelter of Proletarian district of Donetsk and Donetsk boarding school № 1. Smile at the warm sunlight, singing birds and the first spring flowers

Творческое занятие в Детском социальном приютеТворческое занятие в Детском социальном приюте

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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