
День Красоты и зажигательная Новогодняя дискотека для воспитанников Детского социального приюта г. Донецка.

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Day of Beauty and the New Year disco for children from the Children's Social Shelter in Donetsk.1622887937

Every girl dreams of being a magical princess... To wear dresses from fairy tale movies, to surround herself with beauty and make the whole world happy with her bright smile. But sometimes such sweet wishes disappear, because the pain of the hardships erases everything, even the brightest dreams...
Our beautiful girls, pupils of the Donetsk Children's Social Shelter, live the same day in day out under the name "Shelter School". Their everyday life is devoid of joy and surprises, because they have no family, no friends, no familiar surroundings...

On New Year's Eve our team dreamed of giving each little girl magic wings of confidence, to paint their ordinary gray weekdays and surround them with beauty...
And looking at these amazing pictures, we realize that we succeeded!
Our Beauty Day... The sweet smell of cosmetics and hairspray... The variety of outfits and jewelry... And the happy eyes of our girls!

With what enthusiasm girls chose the image! How they admired their makeup and hairstyles! And how much joy there was when the photographer showed their pictures to the girls ... Gradually the phrase "I'm not pretty!" disappeared, and instead there was another - full of enthusiasm and happiness - "I am so beautiful!!!".

Our shy girls, who had been through an incredible amount of hardships, turned into beautiful, confident young girls... Girls who shine from the inside out!
Thanks to our beauty fairies - Maria Firsova and Anastasia Fenyuk, and our volunteer girls for this New Year's miracle for the girls. Because self-confidence and self-esteem, feeling beautiful inside and outside - is the key to a happy life!

We thank the "Geometria" photo portal for the clear focus.

But the surprises were not over at the photo-session - before the children had a rousing disco - the first in their lives - with a real DJ, a light music and cotton candy from our volunteers. There were also fun contests for children.
We haven't seen so many kids' smiles yet!

We thank "Sushi Life" restaurant and personally Alexander Shekaev for his invaluable help in organizing the disco for the kids and the goodies! Thank you, our Wizard! God bless you!

День красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сиротДень красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сиротДень красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сиротДень красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сиротДень красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сиротДень красоты и новогодняя дискотека для детей сирот

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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