
День Рождения Анютки Порохни

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Anya Porokhni's Birthday1622891457

The thin, frail Anechka Porokhnya, wearing two masks, goggles and gloves, enters the office of our Foundation together with her parents. The girl has the same sincerity and joy in her eyes... She timidly takes a seat on a chair in her beautiful dress, which seems a little too big: "This is my favorite dress! I put it on for my birthday but I lost seven kilos during my illness...".
Anya's mom Oksana says "We're taking care of the whole family right now... There are infections all around, and the virus is "going around! It has been 5 months since our second birthday, in July Anna had a bone marrow transplantation in Moscow, but I am still afraid, as I was on the first day after the procedure... My little girl has a weak body and myeloid leukemia has been bothering us for a long time! Even the "weakest" infection can do a lot of harm to my daughter!

Today is Anechka's birthday. She turned 13, two years of which were overshadowed by the cancer, which clawed at the girl. When asked "What is your dream?" the girl timidly lowered her eyes and whispered: "For the children not to get sick... Cancer - it's very scary!".

Anechka, our gentle, sweet, radiant, talented and so strong girl! Be happy! Let your bright inner world paint in colorful colors even the grayest of everyday life! May your dreams come true, may you be inspired, and may your smile never leave your face! We pray for your speedy complete healing from cancer! Happy birthday, princess! We love you!

The present, our birthday girl was dreaming of, caused her a sea of positive emotions! We thank our friends and partners Vector supermarket chain for making a child's dream come true and making Anechka smile sincerely.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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