
День Рождения нашего Илюши

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Our Ilya's Birthday1622886455

It's our Ilyusha's birthday.

We want to tell you about a special little boy and his birthday, which we wanted to make happy and touching. On the 2nd of November our favorite boy Ilyusha, who was brought up in the Republican Specialized Children House, celebrated his 6th Birthday. We came to congratulate him with the whole team, because this clever boy knows practically all our volunteers by sight and name. The boy is very sensitive not only about the adults but also about the kids at the orphanage. That is why Ilyushka is adored by teachers and tutors.

We found out in advance what the boy wants to get for his birthday. In addition to greetings from Piggy Peppa, Ilyusha got inertial robot, which he wanted so much! It's hard to describe your emotions when you see the joy these kids get their presents.

We always try to make every birthday unforgettable! And every time when we see our kids, they already know - it's going to be a party! In their eyes, we're not just volunteers, but real wizards.

День рождения Илюши Васютина
Unfortunately, we are not yet able to give them the most important gift - a family.....But we can give them our attention, warmth and care!


Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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