
The orphans received long-awaited gifts and a bright colorful holiday from our team of do-gooders.

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The orphans received long-awaited gifts and a bright colorful holiday from our team of do-gooders.1628157069

As part of the "Birthdays in Children's Homes" project, the Vremya Dobrykh Charitable Foundation team congratulated and held festivities for orphans from Donetsk boarding school No. 1, the "Teremok" pre-school orphanage, and the Children's Social Center.

Birthday - how much joy, happiness and impatience these words bring as a child. At the mere mention of them, their eyes light up, lips spread in a smile, the soul feels warm, and images of the upcoming celebrations arise in their minds. That's how the kids feel every time they anticipate their birthday. They look forward to surprises, gifts and fun. After all, each of them, waking up, feels a little fairy tale in a gray world. And lives every minute with a sense of anticipation of something big and magical.

That day the kids enjoyed the festive table, rousing dances, entertaining shows and contests, as well as incredible cakes from good confectioners made with love especially for the guys.

Kids, happy birthday to you! Each of you amazing and unique, bright and talented! You are the BEST as always! Remain always yourself and radiate goodness, and the rest will follow!

We thank our wonderful helpers and loyal friends for regular support of our project:
Alexandra Shekaeva
Restaurant Friday
Children's entertainment center Akuna Motata
Dobrokonditor Anastasia
Dobrokondite Ksenia
All children on earth should be happy and we try to give a holiday to children on their main day of the year.

Created: 05.08.2021
Updated: 05.08.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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