
День Рождения вопреки диагнозу рак у Танечки Иванюк

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Birthday in spite of a cancer diagnosis1622888809

Friends, we will give you some warm rays of light from the lives of our children.

Yesterday a wonderful baby girl, Tanya Ivanyuk, celebrated her birthday. The little princess was 4 years old. We heartily congratulate our little sunshine on this joyful day and wish you all the warmest wishes: first of all, a speedy recovery, happy smiles, good mood, loyal friends, bright emotions and unbelievable adventures. To make all her dreams come true, and our young beauty was always surrounded by care, love and kindness.

Tanechka was looking forward to this day and asked the Tinker Bell fairy as a gift. For our princess, this heroine is more than just a beautiful doll. Thanks to her, Tanechka copes with her illness with a smile, trying to overcome all the difficulties of treatment. In fact, our little girl is surrounded by the support and care of several fairies at once - it's Tinker Bell fairy and her mother Julia who softly loves Tanechka.

Elsa and the snowman Olaf came to the party with Tanechka, who not only congratulated Tanya, but also played with her in exciting and fun games.

And we can't stop thanking our talented Magicians-art group "Balaganchik". Thank you for the colorful air design of our holiday! Olenka Sklyarevskaya for the long-awaited present for our princess! You have presented our little heroes with a bright holiday of childhood, the sea of positive emotions and an ocean of smiles, thank you, our wonderful and good friends.

There were a lot of cheerful songs around our Tanya and her mother, the children with their parents dances, hugged them tightly, gave them balloons and a bouquet of big flowers and expressed their best wishes.
happy birthday, our doll

Get well soon and light up this world with your beautiful, kind and warm smile.
We love you.

День рождения Танечки ИванюкДень рождения Танечки ИванюкДень рождения Танечки ИванюкДень рождения Танечки ИванюкДень рождения Танечки ИванюкДень рождения Танечки Иванюк

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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