Rhabdomyosarcoma did not spare Sasha Kasyanova's eye. It was removed completely, together with the eyelid. Sasha's struggle began two years ago. How happy we were when the treatment ended in victory and remission! One year later the cancer returned. And it attacked with twice as much force. It was infinitely painful to watch how quickly…
After a story of illness begins a story of triumph - that is the motto with which our special children go through life - children who have had cancer. And we would like to share with you the victory story of one little girl with a sweet smile, dark curls, and an incredibly beautiful name, Kristina.
The story begins happily in a family of two loving people there was a little princess, with big eyes and sparkling laughter. The little girl grew up and learned this big world. Her first words, first teeth, first matinee in kindergarten... There was no limit to how much happiness she could have!
But one day, cancer broke into Christina's and her parents' lives and, with its characteristic cruelty, divided them into two parts... Before cancer and after... Toys and children's activities replaced IVs and shots... Tasty sweets turned into glucose solution, carefree childhood closed in four hospital walls... And sports competitions were replaced by a hard fight for life... At such a young age, the girl faced very unchildish problems.
The main treatment of Kristina lasted a whole year. The year spent in the hospital walls. A year of bitterness and tears, fear and despair. A year of sleepless nights and tearful prayers. But our brave, smart, strong girl did not give up! Together with her loving parents step by step Christina overcame all the obstacles on the way to her dream - a healthy childhood and cancer free life.
Now our brave little princess is in the 2nd grade and pleases her parents with excellent grades, she no longer lives in gray colors and sadness, and overcomes all the difficulties with ease! Before her illness, she practiced sports, and even after completing treatment, she did not give up her hobbies! Our beauty is doing folk dance, and is conquering more and more peaks! And most importantly - the smile never leaves Christina's face.
In 2018, the girl took part in the World Winners Games, a competition in which children who have beaten cancer participate, and even brought a gold medal to her hometown! In addition to her athletic successes, Kristina wins people's hearts with her incredibly beautiful crafts - "Happiness" angels, which certainly bring good luck and joy, to all the kids who are just beginning their difficult struggle for life, giving them hope and faith.