
День Святого Николая - праздник для малышей отделения онкогематологии

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St. Nicholas Day - a holiday for the kids of the oncohematology department1622887495

День Святого Николая в  отделении детской онкогематологии

The holiday in which miracles come to life and St. Nicholas gives warmth and joy to all the children in the world.

St. Nicholas decided to please and surprise our children with cancer, who fight for their lives every day and never give up, so he sent a magic fairy to the children with an unusual gift - a magical winter fairy tale made of sand. For one evening the playroom at the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology of the Gus Institute of Oncology and Hematology was transformed into a cozy room. Gusak turned into a cozy auditorium, and the light board into a theatrical stage. Angels, good wizards, and snowmen were the main characters of the magical performance.

As soon as the light went out, our little heroes immersed themselves in an atmosphere of coziness and a good fairy tale, and all worries and fear were outside our improvised theater. Our brave kids not only watched the sand animation, but also tried to create magic from the sand, animating trees and figurines of men.At the end of the holiday children were waiting for holiday presents.

День Святого Николая в  отделении детской онкогематологии

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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