
Женечка Титарев завершил свое основное лечение в отделении детской онкогематологии ИНВХ им. Гусака.

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Zhenechka Titarev has completed his main treatment at the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology of the Guskov Institute of Oncology and Hematology. Husak.1622888916

A year of pain and fear, tears and sadness, daily drips and painful punctures, blood transfusions and constant tests... That is how little Zhenechka Titarev lived his year. In one day the boy's life dramatically changed: he was diagnosed with leukemia, and his second home was the department of pediatric oncohematology of the Institute of Oncohematology named after M.V. Lysenko. He was diagnosed with leukemia. During the year of basic treatment Zhenechka underwent many hardships and trials. In spite of his young age the boy fought the disease bravely, not giving it the slightest chance to win. The little boy smiled in spite of everything... Through pain and fear.

In his terrible war for life the little boy was not alone: his beloved parents and older sister were always there. It was their support, care and love that gave Zhenechka faith and hope to defeat this terrible disease.
And now Zhenya has bravely overcame the difficult stage of the main treatment! The whole family of the department of oncohematology congratulated the baby boy on his release from the hospital!

We express our sincere gratitude to our professional doctors who perform a heroic feat every day! Thank you for your hard work and sleepless nights, the warmth of your hearts and your words of support! Thank you very much!

Zhenechka, our smiling boy, we wish you to defeat this silly cruel disease as soon as possible and enjoy your carefree healthy childhood! Be happy and smile more often, because your smile lights up the whole world!

Выписка Женя ТитаревВыписка Женя Титарев

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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