
Мы поздравляли наших храбрых героев мальчишек с Днем Рождения

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We congratulated our brave heroes boys on their birthdays1622888967

Friends, we have more than one great reason for your bright smiles.

And we share with you smiles and great mood ! We congratulated our brave heroes on their birthdays, because a cancer is not a reason for not celebrating the main event of the year brightly and cheerfully.

Seryozha Gordeyev, Tema Bessonov and Maksimka Vinnichenko sincerely wish you only the most unforgettable and positive emotions, new discoveries, only true friends and of course speedy recovery and good health.

День рождения в детском онкоотделенииДень рождения в детском онкоотделенииДень рождения в детском онкоотделенииДень рождения в детском онкоотделении

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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