
День Рождения Киры Загребы в детском онкоотделении.

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Kira Zagreba's birthday at the children's oncology ward.1628156707

The Color of Mood - Green or How We Were Greeting Kira on Her Birthday!
Is it possible to celebrate your birthday in bright green, unforgettable and in a friendly company in the oncology department? Of course, if there are true friends, talented animators from Akuna Motata, unique and long-awaited gifts from VECTOR supermarket chain, delicious and cute cupcakes, a lot of smiles and congratulations. This is how the most important day will be remembered for Kira Zagreba - the day of her birth!
Thank God everything is fine, Kira is in remission, she just comes to the oncological department for regular tests and injections of the antitumour drug Cytozar. And that is where we were able to congratulate our radiant girl!

Our sweet, wise, cheerful and talented girl is accepting congratulations from everyone on her 12th birthday!
Kirochka, may goodness always prosper in your soul! The belief that there are many good people in the world has never faded! Your inquisitive mind always finds answers to questions. And let your loved ones always be by your side and support you!
Happy Birthday, our sunshine.

Created: 05.08.2021
Updated: 05.08.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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