
С днём рождения, Стас!Ты наш герой!

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Happy birthday, Stas! You are our hero!1622889210

And today our hero Stas Bilai has a birthday! And, of course, we couldn't miss this great event. Part of our team came to congratulate the birthday boy at his home!
Smiles, good wishes, hugs and, of course, presents - we brought all that to Stas! He didn't expect such a surprise! For 4 years Stas has been fighting for his life with insidious cancer: a year ago the boy had already won this terrible war... But what we dreaded to think happened: the disease came back with more force! Today we would like all of you, friends, to think about a miracle for Stas! After all, miracles do happen, if you believe in them strongly and strongly... And we together with you are the POWER!

Stas, we congratulate you on your birthday! During 4 long years you became so close to us! Let all your dreams come true, even the ones that seem to be unreal! Success and good luck in all your endeavors and studies! You are a winner! And we wish you a million more victories in life! We believe that you can win for the second time! Happy birthday, hero!!!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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