
Артемка Падусенко на День Рождения загадал встречу с настоящим спайдерменом

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Artemka Padusenko wished for his birthday to meet a real Spiderman1622888055

Artemka's holiday began in the morning: the real Spider-Man, who our little hero had been dreaming of meeting, came to congratulate him. Spider-man not only said warm words to Temochka, but also played interesting games with him and solemnly declared Artemchik a superhero and gave him a present.

Grow up, little boy, please mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa...please the whole world with your kind, childish, bright smile. We LOVE YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!

День рождения Артема ПадусенкоДень рождения Артема ПадусенкоДень рождения Артема ПадусенкоДень рождения Артема ПадусенкоДень рождения Артема Падусенко

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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