
День ребёнка

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Children's Day1622888484

On November 20, the whole world celebrates Children's Day. It's a wonderful holiday dedicated to the most precious thing in the world - children.

But there is a place where this holiday is just an ordinary page in the calendar, and this day will pass here as usual - ordinarily. This is a group of disabled Republican Specialized Children's Home of Donetsk. Donetsk. Days here are similar to each other. Only children change - when they leave for the orphanage, when new little residents arrive and when they leave... In the group of disabled children live with the most severe pathologies - cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, hydrocephalus, microcephaly. Rostik lives in this group up to now - a boy with one lung, who, thanks to our participation, a few months ago had an operation to remove the colostomy. And Sashka is a little orphan with lung dysplasia, who because of the main diagnosis cannot live without bronchodilators... And seven little fellows, who by the will of fate, became unnecessary to their mothers. Here any help is always urgent - from medicines to care.

As we wrote above, today is World Children's Day. It's sad that instead of gifts for these children we brought them what they need the most - life saving medicines.
Thanks to our trustee, Alexander Shekaev, we provided these kids with the necessary medicine for a whole month!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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