
Анечка Порохня уехала на трансплантацию !

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Anya Porokhnia went for a transplant!1622890590


We are sure that all of you remember our Anyuta Porokhnya. A 12-year-old girl with a trembling and tender view of the world... We all fought with you for Anna's life, admired her creative work, looked for donors, and waited for positive news. Anna has bilinear leukemia - the most dangerous type of childhood leukemia. Anya has been fighting for her life for over 10 months in the Donetsk oncology ward. Anyuta's only hope for a complete victory over cancer is a lifesaving bone marrow transplant... Which Anyuchka is now waiting for, being in the clinic named after D. Rogachev in the city of Donetsk. The bone marrow transplant is currently awaiting at the D. Rogachev Clinic in Moscow. The girl's donor will be her brother Andryusha.

On arriving in Moscow Anyuta had to stay in the closed ward several days because of epidemiologic situation. From today Anyuta is undergoing a complete medical examinations and is gaining strength before the surgery. Looking out the hospital window at the huge Moscow burning with lights, Anna confessed to her mother that she always wanted to see the capital of the Russian Federation... just not under these circumstances...

There are probably no words in the world with which we can express our gratitude to you, our magicians! Thank you for all your help with Anyuta during her treatment in Donetsk! We ask for your prayers and warm words of support for Anyushka!

Анечка Порохня в Москве

Анечка Порохня в Москве

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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