
Жизненно необходимую помощь получила подопечная нашего фонда - Катюша Жирная.

2 minutes of reading
Katusha Zhirnaya, a ward of our foundation, received life-saving assistance.1622890245

For seven years the family has lived with the tragic realization that their beloved daughter will never be healthy...
My long-awaited baby girl was born practically dead - she was not breathing, her Apgar score was 2-4," says Katya's mother.
"Katya was diagnosed with cerebral edema.Next - weeks of resuscitation, endless tests and consultations with doctors. The result: cerebral palsy, double hemiplegic form of secondary microcephaly, profound tetraparesis, deep delay of all types of development due to severe hypoxic-ischemic brain damage with cystic degeneration of the brain hemispheres. Malformation of vessels of the portal system, secondary portal hypertension. In 2015, in the midst of hostilities, Katusha underwent a complex surgery, but it did not help us either... My little one lives with constant pain, is in incessant dystonic attacks, she does not smile at all and cries almost all the time. Katya cannot sit or walk by herself, eats very badly, practically does not sleep by herself, but with the help of strong medicine, but it is not a healthy sleep, and her body just shuts down. Katya needs constant care, hygiene products and, of course, vitally important and expensive medicines..."

Katya's family is trying very hard to cope on their own, but their resources are scarce, and medicine and care products are expensive, and they are needed daily. And we are helping, we are helping thanks to kind and sympathetic people - wizards for the terminally ill. We can't be sure that one day Katya will be able to say THANK YOU! But a huge thank you goes out to Katya's family. Thank you, our kind, bright people, thank you to those who care! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping those about whom we are silent!
Wizard Alexander - thank you for your mercy!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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