Veselyandiya is a fun, cool and amazing team of children with cancer and hospital volunteers of our foundation. Missed the smiles of our children, as we miss them? Let these rays of light from the screens of your smart phones and computers warm your hearts on cold winter days! We continue to share with you the news of our classes from the…
For several years now I have been visiting children from the disabled group of the Republican Specialized Children's Home. This is the place where my usual composure leaves me. I always leave here in tears. I cry and understand that these children are doomed, no matter how cruel it may sound. They are doomed to be alone, because they are sick...Before my eyes many have left for the orphanage (like radiant Sashka). Rostik this move is just ahead. Do you remember Rostik? The little boy who had a colostomy for a long time and we helped him, several surgeries, a hard recovery period. He is a baby who, in spite of all his diagnoses, not only walks like a madman, but he talks a lot. He has his intellect! He will gladly tell you his name, how old he is, what his favorite cartoon...He understands everything. He understands only one thing - that he is betrayed by the most beloved person in the world... Betrayed by the fact that he was born different... Despair. This is what I feel every time I see Rostik and his little unfortunate friends; I am desperate for these children to become needed and loved.
A public base of disabled orphans in the DNR is my dream and how we are all waiting for it. It is VERY IMPORTANT for these children to end up in a family. They are doubly in need of care and affection.And of course care, rehabilitation ... All the things they will never get in an orphanage or a specialized boarding school. I know that our government is working hard to make sure that such a needed base will be formed and published as soon as possible. And I am waiting for it. This is a chance for orphans with disabilities. A chance to stop being unnecessary... And prove to the world that disability is not a sentence.
Unfortunately, we can not cure the diseases of these children, but in our power to make their lives a little less painful and a little more comfortable.Regularly we give medicines to these kids.In this our visit, we responded to the requests of staff of the institution and brought a gift of such a necessary suction device surgical electric mobile type and a microwave .