Thanks to a charity event held jointly with FIGHT MASTERS DONETSK, necessary medication was bought for Anfisa. One of the most important areas of our foundation's work is providing medicine for young, critically ill patients at the Onco-Hematology Department of the Gusak Institute of Onco-Hematology in Donetsk. Dozens of children with…
Katyusha's mom is writing:
I cannot calmly talk about the nightmare in which our family has been living for 3 months. One night my daughter complained of pain in her tummy. Poisoning - I thought. Neuroblastoma - doctors concluded. It's a terrible and incomprehensible word, I've never heard of such a disease before. When the doctors explained to me what the diagnosis of my little girl, the earth vanished from under my feet. I couldn't believe it! My baby girl had cancer... A huge tumor in my tummy... It's impossible... After all, Katyusha was only 3 years old, she had just begun to live... And then the nightmare began: the hospital, the unknown words of doctors, the tears on Katie's face, the fear, the endless pain and confusion of what is happening...
My little girl is so weak and sad, no toys or cartoons make her happy... My little Katenka is tired of the constant pain... If only we could have just a little bit of her pain to ourselves!
Our treatment began according to the protocol. At first it was quite good, my daughter responded to the treatment, the labs were almost normal. And then Katya's condition worsened: she spent about a week in intensive care unit, she was heavily intoxicated after taking chemo medications... They transferred her to a room sleepy and weak, my little one was exhausted by the disease. After resuscitation and my baby's golden hair fell out... How upset she was about it!
Katya came to the second unit, with God's help it went without complications, the whole family rejoiced. But after a couple of days Katya's blood tests fell and her temperature increased to 41 degrees. How scared we were! Every minute we prayed for the recovery of our little girl... And she was lying on a bed in a hospital, staring at the ceiling... Her arms were all bruised from the injections and the nurses had time to change the IV fluids... Thank you to our doctors who saved my daughter! Now she is better! The doctors gave our family some good news: after the chemotherapy the tumor decreased twice! This is a great success and great joy for us! Next week Katie will be on the third unit. I wish everything went well! In future the doctors are planning to send Katya to a clinic in Moscow for an operation, it is necessary to remove the tumour.
Our family would like to thank all the caring people who care! Thank you for the kindness of your hearts and support for my little Katya! We believe that Katya will defeat cancer!