
Новости Сонечки Аксеновой от 8.06.2020

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News from Sonya Aksenova1622889527

Mommy, I'm so tired of being sick... Why is God doing this to me?! Every day this phrase is heard by the mother of Sonyechka Aksenova, a little 7-year-old girl whose cancer broke into her life on New Year's Eve... And instead of a New Year's miracle, the child faced painful procedures, the loss of her beautiful hair and cancer, filled with fear and despair... The girl still doesn't want to believe that she herself is sick... Sonya is convinced that her hair is sick and as soon as her tresses grow back, all hell will break loose in the hospital! After the diagnosis Sonia's life has changed drastically, but even that fact hasn't stopped this little cheerful girl from losing faith in the best!

At this moment the little girl is finishing her first treatment protocol. The child's body is responding to the chemotherapy. But besides the difficulties of treatment the doctors diagnosed Sonya with Gilber's syndrome - a hereditary disease, which prevents removal of bilirubin from the liver, which already suffers from constant medication. Sonia had constant stomach pains. Cancer relentlessly attacks the exhausted children's body, and the liver and stomach problems only make the little girl feel worse. But we can't stop believing in the best! After all, Sonyechka so wants to live and become a doctor, saving children's lives!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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