
Сашенька Валуев именинник

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How unfair and tragic it is that children get sick...

Our little hero, Sasha Valuyev, has been fighting for his life for six months... In an instant the doctors gave the little boy a terrible diagnosis and Cancer broke into the family's life... With all its cruel and painful trials. In one day, the 6-year-old toddler became a brave fighter... A fighter for his own health!

He found his birthday in the pediatric oncohematology department, surrounded by drips, hospital regimen and sad eyes... We couldn't help but congratulate Saschul with this special day of the year, so we made a surprise for him right in the oncology department! Smiles, laughter, congratulations and joy. The long-awaited present and balloons... And our happy birthday boy!

For a present for our Sasha and his happy eyes we thank Chain Supermarkets "Vector". Thank you, magicians, for Sashenka's bright emotions!

Our wonderful and strong little boy, we wish you Happy Birthday! With all our heart we wish you to defeat cancer as soon as possible and plunge into the world of fun, joy and happy childhood! May all your dreams come true! Unforgettable adventures and bright emotions!
You will do great, because thousands of caring people are keeping their fingers crossed for you! Get well, my boy, and make the world happy with your smile! We love you very much!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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