
Весь мир кричит об опасности. Но у нас ,в ДНР, своя страшная статистика ,о которой мир молчит...

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The whole world is screaming about the danger. But we, in the DNR, have our own terrible statistics, which the world is silent about...1622889592

The DNR has confirmed the first Covid-19 infection. Panic and horror is sure to intensify now.World statistics give terrible numbers.The number of deaths is increasing.
The whole world is screaming about the danger. In 10 days in Donetsk three of our children died of cancer.
Thousands more children died of shelling during the five years of war in Donbass. From wounds and bullets. But they are not mentioned in newspapers, on the Internet or on TV. There is no worldwide mourning in their honor.
"Our children need your help. Especially now. More than ever."
Please hear the voices of seriously ill children...

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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