
Помощь группе инвалидов Республиканского специализированного дома ребенка г. Донецка

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Helping a group of disabled people at the Republican Specialized Children's Home in Donetsk. Donetsk1622890093

Helping a group of disabled people at the Republican Specialized Children's Home in Donetsk. We have been providing systematic assistance to this group for a long time. Children in this group are special - with various diseases and pathologies. More than others they need not only expensive and vitally necessary medicines, but also care means. Unfortunately, because of the imposed restrictions we were not able to see the little children, but after the quarantine is finished, we will make it up for them.

We would like to thank Oxana for helping to buy medicines for the babies (especially for our little Rostik), we also thank Elena for help with children's furniture and equipment and our friendly Foundation Angel Humanitarian Group for their help with diapers.
In the current circumstances, this help is simply invaluable!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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