
Новости Егорушки Бойко

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But even Yegor used to wait for his mother and believe that she would come and take him away from the orphanage. Fate decided otherwise - the boy was left alone. He could have been his mother's joy and his father's pride. But the closest people in the world betrayed him. After the orphanage there was a pre-school children's home, then a boarding school.
There is a word in the Russian language "stage". Its meaning is clear to everyone. But in orphanhood this word is used differently. For an orphan child "to go through a stage" means to go through all the social institutions, ending up in an orphanage... Yegor went through all the stages. And has been living in an orphanage for several years now... Or rather, lived there. Now his temporary home is the walls of oncohematology in Donetsk. The boy has cancer, with which Egor has been fighting for over a year. He fights without his mother and father by his side... He fights and doesn't give up!
Now we are writing this incredibly good news. We are rejoicing as always in a whisper - he went into remission! How long we waited for that! How we believed in it and held our fists up! All the worst and hardest part is behind us, the main part of treatment is over! Of course there is another stage of treatment ahead of him, which will be long and according to the protocol, but he will be undergoing it in the walls of his home boarding school. Our strong boy has already undergone radiation therapy and he is now preparing to return to his friends, his beloved educators and teachers!
We thank all of you, magicians, for helping Yegor: for all your prayers, reposts, likes, blood donations, words of support, and your sincere concern for this strong and courageous boy! For every contribution, no matter how small, to the treatment of this lonely, serious boy!
We know that now Yegor is not alone, because he has all of YOU! Without you, our kind and compassionate people, we wouldn't have made it!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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