
Новости Карим Чайка от 18.08.2020

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Karim Chayka News1622890923

Mom Oksana is writing:

First of all I want to thank everyone who responded to our family's distress. I don't even know where to begin. We are still in the oncohematology department. After a course of Neocytotekt, we are taking Valcit. Again and again we are examined. It's scary to say, but the doctors think, that cytomegalovirus is the consequence of the underlying disease. The presumptive diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency is a terrible disease, which means that Karimchik has no immunity at all. That is, any infection can be fatal. We need to undergo a series of genetic tests, which they don't do in the Republic. Doctors conducted a consultation and concluded that we can't help Karimchik in the DNR. Our documents were submitted to the Ministry of Health, and we're waiting for the result of a telemedicine consultation. I do not know what will happen next, everything is in God's hands. I pray every day that Moscow won't refuse us.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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