
Выписка Сони Аксеновой

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Sonya Aksenova's discharge1622891271

Yay! And I'm going home today! - Sonyechka Aksyonova's happy voice filled the whole corridor space... This is how children who have been treated for a long time for a disease that is gnawing into their bodies and destroying lives rejoice... Sonya is only 8 years old, a year of which the girl has been battling cancer.

A year ago, from her native Mospino, the girl was brought to the Donetsk oncology department for examination... Who knew that her second home would be a forced one, a home that would be so frightening and painful for Sonya? Cancer swept into the girl's life, but the disease didn't take into account one thing - Sonia is a fighter! There are no words to describe how she fought for her life, how she sincerely believed that she would be healthy soon. Also our little girl was always smiling and happy about little things.

Sonia's discharge was a victory... A victory, which was not an easy victory. The main treatment is finished. Of course there is still a long way to go to reach full recovery - the supporting therapy and rehabilitation period. But we believe that with God's help Sonica will overcome this stage too!

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We thank our superheroes who save children's lives! Thank you, our professional doctors! Thank you for your hard work and sleepless nights...

Friends, thank you to each of you for the miracle for Sonya! Without your help we would not be able to help her! We are so happy that this children's tragedy has united thousands of caring hearts!

We congratulate Sonya and wish her a speedy recovery from cancer, the fulfillment of all her wishes and a positive attitude! Our girl, may your ocean of positivity be forever inside of you! Live, smile, laugh, dream and just be happy! We love you!

You can read articles about Sonyechka here: News from Sonyechka Aksonova

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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