
Сонечка Волошина в Москве

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Sonya Voloshina in Moscow1622890880

How much light and cheerfulness this wonderful girl has! In all the pictures, just like in life, Sonya is smiling... Smiling in spite of cancer, pain and fear... Sonya has relapsed into Ewing's sarcoma. A terrible diagnosis that has been "living" with Sonya for over 5 years. It hurts to realize that this little fragile girl is fighting every day for her health and every day that she lives... More than 10 chemotherapy courses are behind her and there is still a long way to go...

Yesterday Sofia came to the clinic in the name of D.I. Rogachev. Yesterday she arrived to Moscow to undergo further antiretroviral treatment, which includes taking radiation and chemotherapy. Sonyechka and her mother Valentina have been in a closed ward for several days due to epidemic situation. Looking at the lights in Moscow, Sonya is smiling. She smiles, because she believes everything will be fine!

We want to thank everyone who is fighting the fight against children's cancer with us! Your support is priceless!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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