
Помощь деткам инвалидам Республиканского Специализированного Дома Ребёнка

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Helping children with disabilities at the Republican Specialized Children's Home1622886289

Help children with disabilities of the Republican Specialized Children's Home of Donetsk. 11 children live in this group. All of them are sunny, bright, special and . ... lonely ... Disabled ... This word was a decisive factor in their lives.

All of these children have lived in an orphanage since birth. We visit them regularly and thanks to our benefactors we help them on a regular basis. Here children are especially seriously and frequently ill, therefore the need for medicines and means of care in this group is always actual.

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Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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