
Наш друг из Бельгии Yves Vanroy помог жизненно необходимыми препаратами Роме Василевскому

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Our friend from Belgium, Yves Vanroy, helped Roma Vasilevsky with life-saving medications1622892790

For four years now, little Roma Vasilevsky's life has been mirrored from 25,000,000 other children's lives. It so happened that the boy was born special with mirror organs (all internal organs are arranged in the opposite way) and his parents thought it was special. But just after birth he was put in the department of pathology with pneumonia. It turns out that this peculiarity is supplemented with a terrible name - Sievert-Cartagener syndrome. This is a genetic disorder in which severe respiratory dysfunction is observed.
Every breath in and out of the baby is impossible without a nebulizer. And in order to live, he needs to take daily medication, without which he will suffocate.

We are thankful to our good friend from Belgium, Yves Vanroy, for buying lifesaving medication for this month for Roma! He will be able to breathe and live thanks to you!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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