
Не новогодняя история Саши Касьяновой

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Not the New Year's Story of Sasha Kasyanova1622892177


"Sasha has relapsed. I'm sorry it's New Year's Eve, but I just don't know what to do. They refused us at our place of residence in Slavyansk. They sent us to the place where we were treated before.
This was the message we received from Sasha's mother on December 31st. So much pain and hope was in her voice that we just could not remain indifferent to Sasha's distress.
A child with a recurrent tumor, which is separated from his salvation by closed borders. Ahead are the New Year's vacations ... We had no idea how to deliver him to Donetsk. We bow to the Minister of Health of Ukraine - Oprishchenko. Thanks to his personal participation, in three days Sasha was urgently admitted to the first surgical department of Dr.Oprishchenko Republican Clinical Hospital in Donetsk. Unfortunately, even the timely started high-dose chemotherapy had not brought the expected result - rhabdomyosarcoma continued to grow.
After the control tests it became clear that Sasha was in need of surgery which was impossible in Donetsk region.
Leading specialists from the Ministry of Health of his republic working together with the Russian Ministry of Health did a great job and after several telemedicine consultations Sasha was invited to Russia for treatment.
He has been in Moscow for a week already. She will have to fight for her little life again in the Russian Cancer Research Center named after Blokhin. She is going through chemotherapy and surgery. Sasha is trying not to despair as much as possible.
She is 9 years old and she understands everything. She understands that there is no other way. Sasha understands with an unchildlike seriousness that she has to go through all this hell again.
And she also understands that she is not left alone with her problem. Sasha believes in good, and good, as you know, defeats evil.
We would like to thank our friend and Belgian philanthropist Yves Vanroy for paying all the additional examinations and costs of transporting Sasha to the clinic.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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