
сколько бывает любви, доброты и милосердия в детских сердцах

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How much love, kindness and mercy there is in the hearts of children1622888742

And Sasha Kasyanova has had guests and presents all morning.

No, it's not her birthday. Although this holiday was an occasion for Sasha to get acquainted with a very, very kind girl.

Sofia learned about Sasha's illness from her father. You just imagine how much love, kindness and mercy exist in children's hearts - on her Birthday Sofia decided to refuse a holiday, presents, and asked her dad to take her to the oncological department, to support Sashenka. Can you imagine? The child asked not to give her any presents, and the sum of 10 000 rubles. She decided to give the sum of 10 000 rubles, which she had given to her, to a seriously ill child for treatment!

I want to believe that such good deeds will be an example for others. It is so important to teach your children compassion, responsiveness and mercy. And this is the main thing on which our world is based.

And also now Saschulka has a teddy bear - a talisman, which will surely help her to be healthy!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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