
Дима Вихрев

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News from Dima Vihrev1622890666

We continue to support our disabled children within the framework of the palliative project You are not alone

Dimochka Vikhrev. Our special ward boy, whose first seconds of life were overshadowed by a terrible diagnosis and gloomy prognosis from doctors. Dimochka has a critical form of hydrocephalus, and with it a host of other complicated accompanying diagnoses. Dima is unique. He lives and grows despite all the predictions, diagnoses and medical statistics. Two years ago doctors performed a unique surgery for Dima - ventriculoperitoneostomy with a shunt system. Slowly, but surely Dima is recovering. He lives and makes his little special progress.
Now Dimochka is undergoing a therapeutic massage, which not only improves the general state of the boy, but also prevents muscle atrophy.

Thanks to help from Alexander Shekaev, our curator and kind man with a big heart, we were able to provide the boy with all the necessary hygienic equipment. Thank you very much, Alexander, for your continued support of a number of the Foundation's projects!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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