
Помощь маленькой семье от нашего друга из Бельгии - Yves Vanroy

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Help for a little family from our friend from Belgium - Yves Vanroy1622892566

Nastya, who is 16, is already the mother of a beautiful daughter, but this is not the beginning of the story of a happy family life. It's about the harsh reality from which we try to escape, diving into the world of glamour and successful life.
Nastia had no documents, only a certificate of address. The girl lived in Ilovaysk with her grandmother, her mother, who was an alcohol abuser, and her stepfather. After her grandmother's death the house was neglected and unsuitable for living with a small child, the mother strongly objected to her daughter and granddaughter living with her, so she kicked Nastya "out on the street.
Now Nastya is temporarily living at the Republican Youth Social Hostel, where she, like many other moms with similar stories, is cordially welcomed.
At the moment, Nastia is studying at the Donetsk vocational college of Civil Engineering and receives a scholarship of 528 rubles, which is the only income of her small family. There's no money for basic child care.
We thank our friend from Belgium - Yves Vanroy for the vital financial help in buying diapers and caring products for her 2-month old daughter Nastia.

Helping the young mothers in difficult life situations is very important, because the help which is given can be a guarantee that the child will not end up in the orphanage only because there were no money to pay for it, but will grow up in a family, surrounded by love and care.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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