Nastya, who is 16, is already the mother of a beautiful daughter, but this is not the beginning of the story of a happy family life. It's about the harsh reality from which we try to escape, diving into the world of glamour and successful life. Nastia had no documents, only a certificate of address. The girl lived in Ilovaysk with her…
And our team continues to give its warmth and care to kids who are deprived of their mothers' love. As part of the Birthdays in Orphanages project, we visited the Republican Specialized Orphanage in Donetsk. Donetsk, where our visit was awaited by five birthday kids at once.
The kindest wishes and the funniest songs sounded during the celebration. The kids laughed and danced with gusto. At the end of the holiday the kids got the giant soap bubbles, brightly colored balloons, long-awaited presents and, of course, a sweet treat.
Words are superfluous... Magicians, look into the happy eyes of our favorite kiddies. How much simple childish happiness is in them! We're glad our efforts are not in vain, because a child's smile is the highest reward!