

2 minutes of reading


The difference between the first and last photos is almost 5 years. In the first photo is a small, fearful, but so inquisitive little sparrow, looking for protection and warmth... A few years ago we met two-year-old Alice and her newborn baby brother in a hospital wards for abandoned people. I can't even begin to remember the reasons they were there: their mother's cruel treatment... The children were frozen, hungry, dirty, and very frightened... Removing them from the family turned out to be a lifesaver. The parents never inquired about the fate of their babies... Now Alisa and Nikita live in an orphanage. They are a small family. Alisonka is kind, funny and incredibly contactable. Nikita is very much like his little sister. A little tomboy with sparks in his eyes. They are smiling in the New Year's photographs, hugging Santa Claus and the long-awaited present - they need so little to make them happy... Yes, Nikita and Alisa now have a roof over their heads, good food, warm clothes and caring teachers. But what they don't have is the most important thing - a loving family...
They have each other, but they are alone. And at night Alisa's tender mommy will come to her in her dreams, and Nikita will dream of his manly daddy...
Our team believes that dreams come true! Both for Alisa and Nikita, everything will surely come true... Definitely!

We hope that all of the orphans on earth will have loving parents, and maybe these lines will be read by those who are looking for those little ones who will give Nikita and Alisa a family.

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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