Our dreams continue to come true.We are in a hurry to share with you another joyful event in the life of our team.Step by step the department of oncohematology supervised by us INVH named after Gusak is being transformed. Finally in the department completed the repair of the dining room! Now instead of dull gray walls the kids are happy with…
Friends, smile with us. Their Birthdays celebrated just 2 princesses: Sasha Dan and Vladyushka Pahalyuk Our girls were 12 years old. And we heartily congratulate our talented, wonderful, beautiful girls on their holidays and wish, of course, a speedy recovery, a healthy and happy childhood, happy and warm smiles, sunny days, let your every dream come true, let every day will always be filled with joy and positive feelings.
And we heartily thank art group Balaganchik for wonderful, bright, enchanting show, which you, our talented Friends, gave to children. Thank you so much for the smiles on the faces of our kids, for their laughter, for the positive attitude you once again give the kids.
Also we express our gratitude to our Good Wizard, who bought gifts for our birthday kids, Olenka Sklyarevskaya.
Our dear, beautiful, kind and gentle princesses, we love you very, very much and wish you all the best, smile and make the whole world happy with your light.