
Маленькая победа Данечки Беседина

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A small victory for Danya Besedin1622891400

So many people prayed for us! So God helped us! All hell is over!" - Julia Besedina, with tears of joy in her eyes, hugs her son as she leaves the hospital ward.

We wrote often about Daneshka Besedin. A beautiful blue-eyed baby boy - a real Christmas miracle for his loving mother Yulia, who prayed for many years. And God answered her prayers. Danechka was born on Christmas Eve. For three years, happiness lived by the loving family. Until one day cancer intervened... Danya got sick and ended up in the cancer ward... amidst the long wires of drips and horror... Upon learning of his son's terrible diagnosis, his loving father's heart failed... The boy's father died... In the hospital ward, Danechka's bright eyes faded... And laughter was replaced by tears. "It hurts" - that was the word Danya said most often. My heart sank when we entered the ward and saw Danil like this: with huge bruises under his eyes, pale and crying. The little boy was afraid of all people in masks, thinking that the doctors had come to hurt him again... The three-year-old boy could not understand that doctors were hurting him to save his life...
Darja's mother Julija prayed tirelessly for the recovery of her only son... You prayed too, our bright and merciful...
And today we are happy to write this good news - DANEECHKA IS BORN! The main, most difficult and painful part of the baby's treatment is over! The boy is back at home with his mom, where he was always happy! Of course there is still a long stage of treatment at home, dry chemo, but the worst is over...

We thank God for this miracle! We thank his angels on earth - the doctors and medical staff of the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology of the GUS Institute of Oncohematology. For the qualified and professional help to Darja! Thank you to each of you, our heroes! Your work is priceless!

We are sincerely thankful to everyone who helped Daniels and his mom in the fight for life! Thanks to you Danil during his entire treatment period he is being provided with life-saving medicine. And your kind words of support and sincere prayers were warming the boy's mother's soul, giving her faith in Daniels happy future. A big bow to all the magicians!

Dane, we sincerely wish you a speedy complete recovery from your cancer!

May your face always shine and smile, and your eyes never know tears! God bless you, our little bunny!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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