Looking at these children, our adult problems seem insignificant and insignificant... Some of these kids grew up in an orphanage and never knew their mother's hands... Some of them were not even in their infancy... Some of them were abandoned at a mature age. It is useless to look for the reasons why these children were not needed...…
This is how the youngest cancer patients at the beginning of treatment sometimes react even to us - the volunteers... We see the children's eyes running and frightened, the desire to hide and forget forever about the terrible disease... Forget about the punctures, chemotherapy and the walls of the room, which replaced their home... To forget, to go back to a HAPPY childhood, where there is just no room for pain and tears.
Unfortunately, this is what RAK has ruthlessly taken away from these children and what we fight for every day, along with their parents and a team of professional doctors. We help the little ones cope with their worries through creativity. In this way we constantly remind the children that life is not only a black area, but also bright colors, which must be remembered during treatment. Our volunteers regularly visit the children in the hospital and prepare fun and exciting activities for them.
We are sure that we feel each other's love and each time we show the children that they are not alone in their fight for life .